● Quality planning tools are often used to help plan effective quality management activities.(71) is one of such tools, which involves company actual or planned project practices to those or other projects to generate ideas for improvement and to provide a basis by which to measure performance.
(71) A、Benchmarking B、Quality metric C、Quality checklist D、Brainstorming
● A (72) is a collection of projects and other work that are grouped together to facilitate effect -ive management of that work to meet strategic business objectives.
(72) A、program B、portfolio C、project of large size D、PMO
● In the process of communication requirement analysis, the project manager should consider the number of potential communication channels or paths as an indicator of the complexity of a project’s communication. According to Metcalfe’s Law, a project with 10 stakeholders has (73) potential communication channels.
(73) A、10 B、45 C、50 D、100
10*9/2 =45,信管网参考答案:B
● There are strategies typically deal with threats or risk that may have negative impacts on project objectives if they occur, some other strategies are suggested to deal with risks with potentially positive impacts. (74) is a risk response strategy that may be adopted for either threats or opportunities.
(74) A、share B、Mitigate C、Transfer D、Acceptance
● The parties to government procurement refer to the principal entities of all kinds that enjoy rights and undertake obligations in government procurement, including the procuring entities,the (75) and the procuring agencies.
(75) A、users B、servers C、producers D、suppliers
● Documentation of a software package is normally produced for two purposes.One is to explain the__(71)__ of the software and describe how to use them.This is known as__(72)__because it is designed to be read by the user of the software.The other purpose of documentation is to describe the software’s internal composition so that the system can be maintained later in its lifecycle.Documentation of this type is knownas __(73)__.
(71) A.plans B.cost C.features D.schedules
(72) A.system documentation B.user documentation
C.vender documentation D.product documentation
(73) A.system documentation B.user documentation
C.vender documentation D.license documentation
(71)的正确选项是“ C features ”
(72)的正确选项是“ B user documentation ”
(72)的正确选项是“ A system documentation”
● Project selection methods involve measuring value or attractiveness to the project owner or sponsor and may include other organizational decision criteria.__(74)__is not a project selection method.
(74) A.Benefit contribution B.Expert judgment C.Scoring models D.Flow charting
(74)的正确选项是“ D Flow charting”
● Precedence Diagramming Method(PDM) is a method used in activity sequencing.There are four types of dependencies or precedence relationships in PDM. The initiation of the successor activity depends upon the completion of the predecessor activity is called__(75)__.
(75) A.Finish-to-Start B.Finish-to-Finish C.Start-to-Start D.Start-to-Finish
(75)的正确选项是“ A Finish-to-Start ”
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