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2016年03月22日来源:信管网 作者:cnitpm

Integrated Change Control:Inputs
  1 Project Management Plan
  1 项目管理计划
  2 Requested Changes
  2 请求的变更
  3 Work Performance Information
  3 工作绩效信息
  4 Recommended Preventive Actions
  4 推荐的预防措施
  5 Recommended Corrective Actions
  5 推荐的纠正措施
  6 Recommended Defect Repair
  6 推荐的缺陷补救
  7 Deliverables
  7 可交付成果
  Integrated Change Control:Tools and Techniques
  1 Project Management Methodology
  1 项目管理方法系
  The project management methodology defines a process that aids a project management team in implementing Integrated Change Control for the project.
  2 Project Management Information System
  2 项目管理信息系统
  The project management information system,an automated system,is used by the project management team as an aid for the implementing an Integrated Change Control process for the project,facilitate feedback for the project and control changes across the project.
  3 Expert Judgment
  3 专家判断
  The project management team uses stakeholders with expert judgment on the change control board to control and approve all requested changes to any aspect of the project.
  Integrated Change Control:Outputs
  1 Approved Change Requests
  1 批准的变更请求
  2 Rejected Change Requests
  2 否决的变更请求
  3 Project Management Plan(Updates)
  3 项目管理计划(更新)
  4 Project Scope Statement(Updates)
  4 项目范围说明书(更新)
  5 Approved Corrective Actions
  5 批准的纠正措施
  6 Approved Preventive Actions
  6 批准的预防措施
  7 Approved Defect Repair
  7 批准的缺陷补救
  8 Validated Defect Repair
  8 确认的缺陷补救
  9 Deliverables
  9 可交付成果

Close Project
  The Close Project process involves performing the project closure portion of the project management plan.In multi-phase projects,the Close Project process closes out the portion of the project scope and associated activities applicable to a given phase.This process includes finalizing all activities completed across all Project Management Process Groups to formally close the project or a project phase,and transfer the completed or cancelled project as appropriate.The Close Project process also establishes the procedures to coordinate activities needed to verify and document the project deliverables,to coordinate and interact to formalize acceptance of those deliverables by the customer or sponsor,and to investigate and document the reasons for actions taken if a project is terminated before completion.Two procedures are developed to establish the interactions necessary to perform the closure activities across the entire project or for a project phase:
  Administrative closure procedure.This procedure details all the activities,interactions,and related roles and responsibilities of the project team members and other stakeholders involved in executing the administrative closure procedure for the project.Performing the administrative closure process also includes integrated activities needed to collect project records,analyze project success or failure,gather lessons learned,and archive project information for future use by the organization.
  Contract closure procedure.Includes all activities and interactions needed to settle and close any contract agreement established for the project,as well as define those related activities supporting the formal administrative closure of the project.This procedure involves both product verification(all work completed correctly and satisfactorily)and administrative closure(updating of contract records to reflect final results and archiving that information for future use)。The contract terms and conditions can also prescribe specifications for contract closure that must be part of this procedure.Early termination of a contract is a special case of contract closure that could involve,for example,the inability to deliver the product,a budget overrun,or lack of required resources.This procedure is an input to the Close Contract process.



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