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2016年03月14日来源:信管网 作者:cnitpm

Close Project:Inputs
  1 Project Management Plan
  1 项目管理计划
  2 Contract Documentation
  2 合同文件
  Contract documentation is an input used to perform the contract closure process,and includes the contract itself,as well as changes to the contract and other documentation(such as the technical approach,product description,or deliverable acceptance criteria and procedures)。
  3 Enterprise Environmental Factors
  3 事业环境因素
  4 Organizational Process Assets
  4 组织过程资产
  5 Work Performance Information
  5 工作绩效信息
  6 Deliverables
  6 可交付成果
  Close Project:Tools and Techniques
  1 Project Management Methodology
  1 项目管理方法系
  The project management methodology defines a process that aids a project management team in performing both administrative and contract closure procedures for the project.
  2 Project Management Information System
  2 项目管理信息系统
  The project management team uses the project management information system to perform both administrative and contract closure procedures across the project.
  3 Expert Judgment
  3 专家判断
  Expert judgment is applied in developing and performing both the administrative and contract closure procedures.

Contract(When Applicable)
  A contract from the customer's acquiring organization is an input if the project is being done for an external customer.
  Project Statement of Work
  The statement of work(SOW)is a narrative description of products or services to be supplied by the project.For internal projects,the project initiator or sponsor provides the statement of work based on business needs,product,or service requirements.For external projects,the statement of work can be received from the customer as part of a bid document,for example,request for proposal,request for information,request for bid,or as part of a contract.The SOW indicates a:
  Business need–an organization's business need can be based on needed training,market demand,technological advance,legal requirement,or governmental standard.
  Product scope description–documents the product requirements and characteristics of the product or service that the project will be undertaken to create.The product requirements will generally have less detail during the initiation process and more detail during later processes,as the product characteristics are progressively elaborated.These requirements should also document the relationship among the products or services being created and the business need or other stimulus that causes the need.While the form and substance of the product requirements document will vary,it should always be detailed enough to support later project planning.
  Strategic plan–all projects should support the organization's strategic goals.The strategic plan of the performing organization should be considered as a factor when making project selection decisions.



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