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2016年03月08日来源:信管网 作者:cnitpm

Integration is primarily concerned with effectively integrating the processes among the Project Management Process Groups that are required to accomplish project objectives within an organization's defined procedures.The integrative project management processes include:
  1 Develop Project Charter–developing the project charter that formally authorizes a project or a project phase.
  1 制定项目章程-制定项目章程,正式批准项目或项目阶段。
  2 Develop Preliminary Project Scope Statement–developing the preliminary project scope statement that provides a high-level scope narrative.
  2 制定项目初步范围说明书-制定项目初步范围说明书,概括地说明项目的范围。
  3 Develop Project Management Plan–documenting the actions necessary to define,prepare,integrate,and coordinate all subsidiary plans into a project management plan.
  3 制定项目管理计划-将确定、编写、协调与组合所有部分计划所需要的行动形成文件,使其成为项目管理计划。
  4 Direct and Manage Project Execution–executing the work defined in the project management plan to achieve the project's requirements defined in the project scope statement.
  4 指导与管理项目执行-执行项目管理计划确定的工作,实现项目范围说明书确定的项目要求。
  5 Monitor and Control Project Work–monitoring and controlling the processes used to initiate,plan,execute,and close a project to meet the performance objectives defined in the project management plan.
  5 监控项目工作-监视和控制项目的启动、规划、执行和结束过程,实现项目管理计划中确定的实施目标。
  6 Integrated Change Control–reviewing all change requests,approving changes,and controlling changes to the deliverables and organizational process assets.
  6 整体变更控制-审查所有的变更请求,批准变更并控制可交付成果和组织过程资产。
  7 Close Project–finalizing all activities across all of the Project Management Process Groups to formally close the project or a project phase.
  7 项目收尾-最终完成所有项目管理过程组的所有活动,正式结束项目或项目阶段。

Project Charter.Formally authorizes the project.
  Project Scope Statement.States what work is to be accomplished and what deliverables need to be produced.
  Project Management Plan.States howthe work will be performed.
  The project management plan is composed of the plans and documents generated by the various processes.Those items are the subsidiary plans and components of the project management plan.

Direct and Manage Project Execution:Outputs
  1 Deliverables
  1 可交付成果
  A deliverable is any unique and verifiable product,result or capability to perform a service that is identified in the project management planning documentation,and must be produced and provided to complete the project.
  2 Requested Changes
  2 请求的变更
  Changes requested to expand or reduce project scope,to modify policies or procedures,to modify project cost or budget,or to revise the project schedule are often identified while project work is being performed.Requests for a change can be direct or indirect,externally or internally initiated,and can be optional or legally/contractually mandated.
  3 Implemented Change Requests
  3 实施的变更请求
  Approved change requests that have been implemented by the project management team during project execution.
  4 Implemented Corrective Actions
  4 实施的纠正措施
  The approved corrective actions that have been implemented by the project management team to bring expected future project performance into conformance with the project management plan.
  5 Implemented Preventive Actions
  5 实施的预防措施
  The approved preventive actions that have been implemented by the project management team to reduce the consequences of project risks.
  6 Implemented Defect Repair
  6 实施的缺陷补救
  During project execution,the project management team has implemented approved product defect corrections.
  7 Work Performance Information
  7 工作绩效信息
  Information on the status of the project activities being performed to accomplish the project work is routinely collected as part of the project management plan execution.This information includes,but is not limited to:
  Schedule progress showing status information
  Deliverables that have been completed and those not completed
  Schedule activities that have started and those that have been finished
  Extent to which quality standards are being met
  Costs authorized and incurred
  Estimates to complete the schedule activities that have started
  Percent physically complete of the in-progress schedule activities
  Documented lessons learned posted to the lessons learned knowledge base
  Resource utilization detail.



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