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2016年03月02日来源:信管网 作者:cnitpm

Planning Process Group
  The project management team uses the Planning Process Group and its constituent processes and interactions to plan and manage a successful project for the organization.The Planning Process Group helps gather information from many sources with each having varying levels of completeness and confidence.The planning processes develop the project management plan.These processes also identify,define,and mature the project scope,project cost,and schedule the project activities that occur within the project.As new project information is discovered,additional dependencies,requirements,risks,opportunities,assumptions,and constraints will be identified or resolved.The multi-dimensional nature of project management causes repeated feedback loops for additional analysis.As more project information or characteristics are gathered and understood,follow-on actions may be required.Significant changes occurring throughout the project life cycle trigger a need to revisit one or more of the planning processes and,possibly,some of the initiating processes.
  Planning Process Group
  The project management team uses the Planning Process Group and its constituent processes and interactions to plan and manage a successful project for the organization.The Planning Process Group helps gather information from many sources with each having varying levels of completeness and confidence.The planning processes develop the project management plan.These processes also identify,define,and mature the project scope,project cost,and schedule the project activities that occur within the project.As new project information is discovered,additional dependencies,requirements,risks,opportunities,assumptions,and constraints will be identified or resolved.The multi-dimensional nature of project management causes repeated feedback loops for additional analysis.As more project information or characteristics are gathered and understood,follow-on actions may be required.Significant changes occurring throughout the project life cycle trigger a need to revisit one or more of the planning processes and,possibly,some of the initiating processes.
  Since the feedback and refinement process cannot continue indefinitely,procedures set by the organization identify when the planning effort ends.These procedures will be affected by the nature of the project,the established project boundaries,appropriate monitoring and controlling activities,as well as the environment in which the project will be performed.
  Other interactions among the processes within the Planning Process Group are dependent on the nature of the project.For example,on some projects there will be little or no identifiable risk until after most of the planning has been done.At that time,the team might recognize that the cost and schedule targets are overly aggressive,thus involving considerably more risk than previously understood.The results of the iterations are documented as updates to the project management plan.
  Note:Not all process interactions and data flow among the processes are shown.
  Figure 3-7.Planning Process Group
  图3-7 规划过程组
  The Planning Process Group facilitates project planning across multiple processes.The following list identifies the processes the project team should address during the planning process to decide if they need to be done,and if so,by whom.

Initiating Process Group
  The Initiating Process Group consists of the processes that facilitate the formal authorization to start a new project or a project phase.Initiating processes are often done external to the project's scope of control by the organization or by program or portfolio processes(Figure 3-5),which may blur the project boundaries for the initial project inputs.For example,before beginning the Initiation Process Group activities,the organization's business needs or requirements are documented.The feasibility of the new undertaking may be established through a process of evaluating alternatives to pick the best one.Clear descriptions of the project objectives are developed,including the reasons why a specific project is the best alternative solution to satisfy the requirements.The documentation for this decision also contains a basic description of the project scope,the deliverables,project duration,and a forecast of the resources for the organization's investment analysis.The framework of the project can be clarified by documenting the project selection processes.The relationship of the project to the organization's strategic plan identifies the management responsibilities within the organization.In multi-phase projects,initiating processes are carried out during subsequent phases to validate the assumptions and decisions made during the original Develop Project Charter and Develop Preliminary Project Scope Statement processes.
  The initial scope description and the resources that the organization is willing to invest are further refined during the initiation process.If not already assigned,the project manager will be selected.Initial assumptions and constraints will also be documented.This information is captured in the Project Charter and,when it is approved,the project becomes officially authorized.Although the project management team may help write the Project Charter,approval and funding are handled external to the project boundaries.
  As part of the Initiating Process Group,many large or complex projects may be divided into phases.Reviewing the initiating processes at the start of each phase helps to keep the project focused on the business need that the project was undertaken to address.The entry criteria are verified,including the availability of required resources.A decision is then made whether or not the project is ready to continue or whether the project should be delayed or discontinued.During subsequent project phases,further validation and development of the project scope for that phase is performed.Repeating the initiating processes at each subsequent phase also enables the project to be halted if the business need no longer exists or if the project is deemed unable to satisfy that business need.
  Involving the customers and other stakeholders during initiation generally improves the probability of shared ownership,deliverable acceptance,and customer and other stakeholder satisfaction.Such acceptance is critical to project success.The Initiating Process Group(Figure 3-6)starts a project or project phase,and the output defines the project's purpose,identifies objectives,and authorizes the project manager to start the project.

The Initiating Process Group includes the following project managementprocesses:
  1 Develop Project Charter
  1 制定项目章程
  This process is primarily concerned with authorizing the project or,in a multi-phase project,a project phase.It is the process necessary for documenting the business needs and the new product,service,or other result that is intended to satisfy those requirements.This chartering links the project to the ongoing work of the organization and authorizes the project.Projects are chartered and authorized external to the project by the organization,a program or portfolio management body.In multi-phase projects,this process is used to validate or refine the decisions made during the previous Develop Project Charter process.
  2 Develop Preliminary Project Scope Statement
  2 制定项目初步范围说明书
  This is the process necessary for producing a preliminary high-level definition of the project using the Project Charter with other inputs to the initiating processes.This process addresses and documents the project and deliverable requirements,product requirements,boundaries of the project,methods of acceptance,and high-level scope control.In multi-phase projects,this process validates or refines the project scope for each phase.



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