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2011年07月20日来源:信管网 作者:cnitpm

  The Auditor
  The auditor must be a qualified to understand the criteria used and competent to know the types and amount of evidence to accumulate to reach the proper conclusion after the evidence has been examined. The auditor also must have an independent mental attitude. It does little good to have a competent person who is biased performing the audit.
  Independence cannot be absolute by any means, but it must be a goal. For example, even though an auditor may be paid a fee by a company they may still be sufficiently independent to conduct audits that can be relied upon by users. Auditors may not be sufficiently independent if they are also company employees.
  Types of Reports
  The final stage of the audit process is the audit report - the communication of findings to the users. Reports differ in nature, but in all cases they must inform readers of the compliance with IFPUG Counting Guidelines. The auditor can have three types of reports.
  Like in all audits, the most common report should be the Standard Unqualified Audit Report. It is used in 90 percent of all audits, and a function point audit should be no different. The standard unqualified report is used when the following conditions are met.
  1. All systems and users documentation have been included in the original function point count.
  2. IFPUG Counting Practices Guidelines were followed.
  3. The function point count is thoroughly documented and with no outstanding issues.
  Another type of audit report is "conditions requiring a departure." There are two conditions requiring a departure from a Standard Unqualified Audit.
  1. The scope of the auditor has been restricted. This is the case when the auditor has not accumulated enough evidence to conclude if the function point was completed in accordance with IFPUG 4.0 Counting Guidelines.
  1.审计师的范围受限。当审计师没有收集足够的证据来判定功能点估算是遵守IFPUG 4.0估算指南完成时使用。
  2. The function point count was not completed in accordance with IFPUG 4.0 Counting Guidelines. In this case, a detail analysis outlining the specific areas should be included in the final report.
  2.功能点估算不遵守IFPUG 4.0估算指南完成。在这种情况下,最终报告中要包含一份详细分析报告,分析哪些关键域不遵守估算指南。

  Additionally, the auditor may create an adverse opinion. An adverse opinion is used only when the auditor believes the overall function point counts are so materially misstated or misleading that they do no present fairly the functional size of the application being counted. The auditor should be very specific on why they are making this conclusion.
  A 20 Step Procedure for Auditing a Function Point Count
  1. Was the task of counting function points included in the overall project plan?
  All activities the project team engages in should be an item in the project plan. Ensure that adequate amount of time has been dedicated to achieve to complete the task.
  2. Is the person performing the function point count trained in Function Point Counting? Are they certified?
  To often function point counts are completed by individuals not trained in function point counting. Formal class room training may not be necessary, but the individual conducting the count should be familiar with IFPUG 4.0 counting rules.
  很多功能点估算是由没经过功能点估算培训的人完成。正规的课堂培训虽然不一定是必须的,但执行功能点估算的个人应该熟悉IFPUG 4.0估算原则。
  It is even better if the person completing the count has passed the IFPUG Certification exam. Passing he exam does not guarantee accurate counts, but it does guarantee a minimal level of competency.
  3.Were IFPUG 4.0 Counting Practices Manual followed?
  3.是否遵守IFPUG 4.0估算实践手册?
  4.Did the function point counter use current project documentation to count function points? If not How old was the documentation?
  5.Did the project team participate in the function point count?
  The project team should be the most knowledgeable individuals regarding the functionality being delivered to the user. They are the best source of information regarding the project. Frequently the project team is left in the dark when a function point count is completed. The function point counter gathers some documentation and sits in a room for a few days and out comes a function point number. This will cause the project team to question the accuracy of the number.
  6.Were internally developed function point counting guidelines followed?
  7.Was the application counted from the user's point of view?
  8.Was the system counted from a logical and not a physical point of view?
  9.Does the established boundary for the FP count match the boundary of other metrics (time reporting, defect tracking)? If not, why?
  10. f the function point count was for an enhancement was boundary the same as the boundary for the application? If not, why?
  11. as the boundary changed? If so, why?
  12. Was any tool used for function point counting or was the count done manually?
  if the count was done manual a review of the arithmetic needs to be done.
  13. Do the individual Function Point components (ILF, EIF, EI, EO, and EQ) percentages conform to industry averages. If not, is there a valid reason?
If auditing several applications, are the percentages of transactions and files similar.
  14. Has an inventory of transactions (EI, EO and EQ) and files (ILF and EIF) been reviewed by the project team. The greatest error counting function point is the error of omission (not including everything). It is important that the application team review the function point count for completeness and accuracy.
  15. Does the total Value Adjustment Factor agree with other projects? The total Value Adjustment Factor should fall within +/- 5 percent of the average value adjustment factor for all applications reviewed. If it falls outside of this range a written explanation needs to be included with the function point count. For example, if the average VAF was 1.05, then the VAF would have to be between 1.0 and 1.10.
  15.总的数值调整参数是否和其他项目一致?总的数值调整参数应落在所有被评审的应用的平均调整参数的正/负5%之间。如果超出这个范围,需要有书面文档说明。举个例子,如果VAF的平均值是1.05,则VAF应该在1.0和 1.10间。
  16. Does each of the 14 General System Characteristics fall within the ranges of other projects? Is each General System Characteristics within 1 point of the average GSC.. For example, if a particular GSC was rated as 2.0 then the GSC would have to be either be 1, 2 or 3. If the GSC was outside this range a written explanation needs to be included with the function point count.
  16. 是否14个通用系统特性中的每一个都落在其他项目的范围内? 是否每个通用系统特性都在平均 GSC的一个点内。比如,如果一个特定的GSC被定级为2.0,则该GSC必须是1,2或3。如果GSC超出这个范围,则需要有一个书面说明。
  17. Have all the assumptions associated with the function point count be documented. All assumptions should be documented so they can be reviewed at later date if necessary.
  18. Are these assumptions consistent with other projects ?
  19. Have all the assumptions impacting Function Point Counting been forwarded to a the central function point group? All assumptions should be reviewed by the central function point group.
  20. Has the count been reviewed by an independent Certified Function Point Specialist?
  In almost every sophisticated industry there are auditors and inspectors function point analysis should not be any different. There is not need to fear audits or auditors. If they are done appropriately they should provide valuable feedback on the function point counting process. The audit report may allow you to correct any incorrect function point counts, and re-evaluate the decisions you have made to date.
  1. IFPUG--The International Function Point Users Group,即国际功能点用户组,该组织在1994年发布了 IFPUG 4.0估算实践手册。
  2. GSC---General System’s Characteristics,即系统通用功能特性。
  3. VAF---Value Adjustment Factors,即参数调整因子。



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